Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Farewell Running Song

During the past few months I have written a couple of posts about I girl I have called "Anna."  She came to live at St. Charles a little before Christmas, and was incredibly anxious and fearful about everything.  Anna flourished in our program and especially loved her daily runs with Sister Maximilian.  

A few days ago, Anna moved in with her new adoptive family.  In one of her last runs with Sister Maximilian, Anna decided to compose a goodbye song while running.  It went something like this:

Sister Maximilian!
I am gonna miss you!
I am gonna miss running with you too!
Sister Max-i-mil-ill-ian!

I love you, Sister Maximilian!
I am gonna miss you!
I like running with you too!
Sister Max-i-mil-ill-ian!

There were many more verses to Anna's song, which continued for twenty minutes at the top of her voice during their 4 mile run together.  Unfortunately, we do not have it in audio form.  Since I am the blogger, I will also report that Sister Maximilan then composed a similar song for Anna as well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing more on 'Anna's' story, Sister.
It sounds like she is doing really well.
God bless all the children and Sisters!